Side by Side is a project that motivates the language students to work with their self portrait, and exchange (via mail) their posters, that are drawing in a standard size of paper, with some students from some other country. Besides the poster, the students write a profile with personal information. The pictures of the students' drawings may also be posted not only in the iEARN forum of the project, but also in their website: http://www.miamicountryday.org/aces
At Centro de Línguas - Taguatinga-DF, and at Centro de Línguas number 1 (Brasília) this project has been developed by many teachers. It is adequated to Juvenile and Basic levels of English.
This year, a teacher from Fundação Bradesco in Ceilândia is developing Side by Side with some groups. It´s her first time. She is very excited because this is her first experience with iEARN projects. I wish her success and that her students can improve their language and social skills as well.
You can have a sample of those posters here, and maybe start developing Side By Side with your students. That's so much fun! Dont´t be insecure to start. We are here to help you. Just let us know.